Watching the following movie is hazardous to your health. It is like a lethal injection of rock in your ass or getting gunned down in a hail fire of awesomeness.
There are two types of stupid movies - those that are stupid but hilarious (BASEketball) and those that are stupid and a complete waste of your time (Date Movie). Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny is solidly one of the former. Yes, it is probably best you have some familiarity with "The D", but either way, I know I loved this movie!
The rock duo known as Tenacious D (Jack Black and Kyle Gass) are a joke band (the self-proclaimed greatest rock band in the world) that consistently deliver the laughs, whether through their crazy songs or their film shorts (HBO's Tenacious D: The Masterworks). I heard the soundtrack to The Pick of Destiny long before I saw the film and, if the soundtrack was any indication at all, I knew I would enjoy the film. Yes I did!
Knowing the D's material prepares you for what is to come - 90 minutes of drug induced stupor, rock antics, profanity and juvenile raunchiness... all worth the price of admission or, as the case is now, the cost of a DVD rental. Just like another juvenile classic (and favorite from high school) BASEketball, this film had me laughing beginning to end and well afterwards. I will never outgrow it.
To give a brief synopsis, The Pick of Destiny serves as an origin story of sorts for this duo and we follow their epic quest to possess the most powerful rock artifact EVER - the legendary Pick of Destiny! We come to learn that the success of such bands as Van Halen didn't rise to stardom by accident, but rather they came into the possession of the pick, which just so happens to be one of Satan's teeth, dislodged hundreds of years before in a battle with a dark mage. They just need it to win an open-mic night so they can pay the rent. I'm sure you can reasonably infer the rest of the goings-on. Even Ronnie James Dio and the venerable Meatloaf make appearances.
The thing about Tenacious D is that they are talented enough musically to make screwing around and being silly still extremely entertaining, watchable and listen...able. That and Jack Black has that class clown charisma and charm that always gets the laughs. And unlike many bad comedies, they keep their antics contained in a small 90 minute package; not too long, not too short - just right.
If you are a fan of the D and haven't yet watched The Pick of Destiny, go out and rent it. You will not be disappointed. Its time to ROCK! 8/10
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