Transformers is out, it's doing well, and because of that now the decision has been made to dredge up another part of my childhood and squeeze it's guts out until it fills a couple hours of celluloid. While I haven't seen Transformers, but have heard some good things, I have no doubt that Alvin and the Chipmunks will wander more into Garfield territory than Autobots land.
Is this really necessary? At this rate, a few years from now I won't be able to look back on any part of my childhood without seeing it transmogrified into a cinematic abomination. I look forward to Belvedere: Streaks on the China, and Captain Planet: The Power is Yours to be hitting theaters in late '08 or early '09. Am I kidding? Well, if there's any doubt in your mind, that should tell you there's a serious problem with the Hollywood animal.
I say Jack Black as Belvedere. Kudos on the reference!
You totally beat me to posting that hideous poster, dude.
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