It is fairly amusing that someone would so quickly dig around to confirm/deny this story, but I think their motivations are perfectly understandable, since they reflect what a lot of other film-goers were collectively thinking - PLEASE, DEAR GOD, NO!
Quite frankly, the scenario in which the Wachowskis go back and make additional sequels just seems too plausible with today's Hollywood... you know, the one where anything is fair game for the sequel treatment? Let's put it this way - if George Lucas can go back and make a fourth Indiana Jones outing with a 60-something Harrison Ford, Shia LeBouf and space aliens, you know that anything is possible. And it isn't for the best. Hell, even Tron got the sequel treatment 30 years on and people aren't exactly singing its praises.
I am of the opinion that The Matrix didn't need sequels to begin with; it stood very well on its own. The Matrix Reloaded was "ok" but then came The Matrix Revolutions and any goodness of Reloaded was flushed away into a sea of convoluted, confusing and unnecessary plot. Maybe that is why RottenTomatoes had it rated at 36%. Most people I talk to don't have much positive to say about the sequels and even the steadfast fans need to work harder than they should to put a positive spin to them. So when rumors fly that more installments are coming to a theater near you, possibly in 3D, people cringe because the precedent certainly is there for serious disappointment.
Well, for now, crisis is averted! Audiences want more new, good ideas for movies and not necessarily more sequels and expensive 3D romps. If we're all good boys and girls, maybe that's what we'll get.
I really fail to understand why so many crictics bash on the matrix sequels. Did u really just say the storyline got to complex? aww did somebody get a headache trying to understand how a storyline is suppose to devolep? I swear some of you people are so hard to satisfy, u want sequels to be the same thing, over and over, and god forbid the script writers try to change it up a bit, because now somethings different and it sucks.. what reloaded had some tits in it so now u virgins are all crying cus u never saw a pair? or revolutions had less people running on walls so now that sucks to. there are wayyy wayy more over-the-top scenes in parts 2 and 3. and the concept of a fake virtual world is amazing, i love how the W-Bros kept devoleping it further and further. I guess some of u panzees just cant understand what a sequel is suppose to be.
The Matrix could have been a perfect stand alone movie, but these days all good movies are inevitably going to have sequels to exploit people's love for the original movie and generate more income. Sometimes this works out for both the filmmakers (by generating more money) and moviegoers (by making a truly good sequel), sometimes its more one sided.
The plot in 2 and 3 was pretty god awful. I loved the first one, which was very complex in itself. It had numerous religious, and philosophical undertones. Not many new ideas were introduced in the sequels.
Lets take a step back from the Matrix, and look at some others that were mentioned. Aliens in an Indiana Jones movie, seriously? And what was the deal with him hiding in the refrigerator? While Tron Legacy wasn't to terrible as far as sequels go, but I had much higher expectations as far as seeing it in 3D.
If not for the pretty badass fight sequences in Reloaded and Revolutions they would have sucked horribly. I loved the semi truck sequence in Reloaded as well as the fight with Smith after Neo sees the oracle again, but wasn't as impressed with anything in Revolutions.
This previous comment is the first positive thing I have seen about the matrix sequels as a whole period. That includes family, friends, co-workers, and online reviews.
One more thing...honestly who ever complained about seeing tits in a movie...really who?
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