Yeah, it’s that post-Summer, pre-prestige time of the B-Grade and Middlebrow Film. The stars don’t shine quite as bright, the cuts don’t cut quite as deep, and the CGI isn’t half as expensive.
It’s the time where I begin to look forward to the coming months for films that I am actually PSYCHED (!!!) for:
If you can watch this trailer and NOT want to see this movie, I pity you.
An indie comedy regarding an unplanned teen pregnancy and the couple who wish to adopt the child, this film features a cast full of 27%ers (actors who make a movie 27% better just by their presence). Counting Jason Bateman, Michael Cera (The 27% rule applies to any of the principal cast of Arrested Development), JK Simmons, Allison Janney, and Ellen Page make this film 135% better than it would be otherwise.
This looks like the film I’ve been wishing Wes Anderson would’ve made his last couple times at bat.
Looks to be the bastard child of the Fab Four and Moulin Rouge,which may only make the film sound appealing to me. But hell, they used I’ve Just Seen a Face in their marketing, so I’m already a fan sight unseen. I imagine plot is very much a secondary thought when it comes to this, but the visuals will most assuredly make this popular among those who, let’s say, don’t prefer their movie experiences sober.
This film could very well suck (pun not intended), but the premise---a group of vampires take over an Alaskan town where a month goes by without sunlight, is a great twist on a genre that seems to have had all the life drained out of it (sorry). And it’s based on a comic book (excuse me, graphic novel), so I’m obligated by geek-cred to go.
No Country For Old Men:
The Coen Brothers are back in Fargo/Blood Simple territory for this crime drama that Roger Ebert describes as a perfect film. I haven’t loved a Coen Brothers movie since The Man Who Wasn’t There, so I’m hoping this as much of a slam dunk as it looks to be. The trailer shows Javier Bardem using compressed air as a weapon. I don’t know if that’s from the book it’s based on or a Coen idea, but either way, it’s genius.
Based loosely on Upton Sinclair’s novel Oil!, TWBB casts Daniel Day-Lewis as a turn-of-the-centuty oil prospector at the turn-of-the-century. I don’t really know much more than that other than that it’s directed by the talented Paul Thomas Anderson and…did I mention Daniel Day-Lewis is in it? Daniel Day-Lewis is awesome.
Bee Movie:
I’m a Seinfeld fan and the last half of the latest trailer has me cracking up. Hopefully this film, about a bee who sues mankind over honey rights, strikes the right balance of family-friendly and Seinfeld’s observational (darkish) humor.
Sweeney Todd:
Official Site
Tim Burton. Johnny Depp. Musical.
We’re in serious uncanny valley territory in this motion-captured production of the oldest story known to man, but it has the potential to be absolutely groundbreaking. The talent behind the…uh, can it still be called a camera, is encouraging: the experimental director Robert Zemeckis and famed (graphic) novelist turned scriptwriter Neil Gaiman.
American Gangster:
Official Site/Trailer
I saw this trailer in the theater and thought to myself “Now that’s a movie…”
Alien Vs Predator 2: Requiem
OK, the first one was kind of awful, but color me optimistic for this R-rated clash of the franchises that maybe…mayyyyybbeeee…might take place, in part, somewhere that’s not Earth (rhymes with Creditor Comb Granite?).
Other Films I’m Looking Forward to: The Mist, I Am Legend, Eastern Promises, Rendition, The Assassination of Jesse James…, Into the Wild, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, The Darjeeling Limited, Michael Clayton, Sleuth, I’m Not There, Lions for Lambs, Margot at the Wedding, Charlie Wilson’s War, Youth Without Youth
Any of these films have you psyched? Did I miss anything? Let me know in the COMMENTS section…
1 comment:
As always, lots of movies I've never heard of before. Looking forward to Juno now though.
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